Tuesday, August 16, 2005

When bad things happen to good people

Today I'm going to visit a friend who just suffered her fifth miscarriage in three years. It's heart-breaking and brings back to me all of our struggles with infertility. Thank God, we now have two beautiful daughters, but 5 years ago today I was pregnant for the first time after many, many struggles to even get my body to ovulate. And I remember how completely devastated I was when I lost that pregnancy at 6.5 weeks gestation. I have Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and because of that, as my doctor once said, my body "has no rules." With the help of the miracle drug (for PCOS) Metformin, I was finally able to ovulate. But I had two miscarriages before finally one stuck. There's actually a long, beautiful story about how the prayers of St. Raphael of Brooklyn led to us having a healthy child. But I won't go into that today because I'm trying to think of how best to comfort Z. in her grief. She is understandably angry at God and the universe but the thing is, God really does love us. Even if WE can't see the benefit or reason to His will, we still need to trust Him that what happens to us is for the best in the end. That's often easier said than believed, as I'm finding out while trying to figure out why God allowed certain things to happen to me. I think I'll show up on her doorstep with chocolate and just offer a shoulder for her to cry on. The advanced theology can wait a few weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you read the book by this name?

1:27 PM  
Blogger Shamassy said...

A long time ago - back when I was a teenager, actually. Might be time for a re-read after I finish the 3 books I have going right now. ;-)

1:39 PM  

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