Friday, December 22, 2006

We survived!

What a busy month it's been! I had to really buckle down and get an annual report done that is required by regulation to be done by the end of the year. But, I did it! Yeay, me! I have also been working on getting ready for Christmas and for my tendon release surgery next week.

Then this week we were socked by a giant blizzard! It was nice to have 1.5+ days off work, but it's not like I could get that much done. We had fun shoveling and playing with the kids, though. I saw my Russian professor on the news - she was stuck at a park-n-ride near Boulder. How rotten!

I finished Emmelia's Santa Boo-Boo hat! She was excited to get one of her own to wear.

Our brother-in-law didn't make it in from the east coast for our nephew's college graduation today. That's sad, but at least he didn't get stuck in an airport somewhere!

Oh, I promised I'd post our Christmas card here once I mailed them out. Here it is:
We had a lot of fun with the photo shoot and I'm really happy about how it turned out.

One of my friends liked it so much she asked me to design a card for her. I designed 2 for her to choose from. She picked the first one, but both came out cute:

Well, have a Merry Christmas, everyone! Come (very) early Monday morning, we Orthodox will be greeting each other with "Christ is Born!" and resonding with "Glorify Him!"

Monday, December 04, 2006

Santa Boo-Boo

I finished my first knit hat! It was challenging, but fun all the way through. The second Santa hat should go pretty smoothly now that I've figured some things out. Emmelia modeled the hat for me this morning before deciding it was a little too small for her (I'm going to have to make hers the "woman" size instead of "child").

But that's good because her head stretched out the band perfectly for Maura to wear it. And wear it she did - she was so excited. She ran over to the Deac and said "I'm Santa Boo-Boo!" and then proceeded to wear it to daycare. She still had it on when I dropped her off this morning. So, you know, I had to make a layout about it to showcase my friend Amy's new "Imperfect Holiday" kit.

This was my favorite photo of the several of Maura in the hat that I took this morning. Unfortunately, she was reaching for the camera so her hands are in the way. I tried to overcome this distraction by cropping in closely. This also worked well to accentuate those eyes!

Shockingly, I even scrapped a little at home this weekend! I made a 5x7 photo gift for my friend Z. - the one who just had her first baby. It was fun to put together and she really seemed to like it. I sent it home from church with her husband on Sunday.