Friday, January 02, 2009

2009 Project 365

Wow, it's been nearly a year. I have decided to participate in Project 365 this year - the idea is to take one photo per day for a whole year (related to this project, one could do Project 52 and take one photo per week). It's supposed to help you get more in tune with your camera and develop better photography and life-documenting skills. I'm excited about it and needed someplace to share my photos. This is as good a spot as any, I think!

Here's my photo for today:
I had today off and took the kids to daycare so I could enjoy some kid-free time. I decided to go see a non-animated movie to myself! One of the thoughts I had for this project was to take my camera with me to the movie theatre to see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" - and take a photo of the movie poster or the popcorn or something else movie-related. But, I forgot my camera and I also think businesses frown upon people taking photos like that. Then it came to me - the fun collection of buttons my mother put together and gave the kids for Christmas - perfect for both remembering the movie and documenting a fun Christmas memory.

And here is my first photo for the year, documenting the new webcam I purchased and set-up and used to make my first video IM to a friend:
It's not the greatest photo, but I am looking at this more as an exercise in life documentation. If my photography skills get better in the process, then that is a nice side effect.

I hope you enjoy the photos this year!


Blogger Jennie said...

how fun! i am so glad you are doing this too! fun!

2:39 PM  

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