Monday, October 01, 2007

Roomba, Hair, Violin... the times of our life

Wowzer, we had a busy weekend! On Friday, a new member of our family arrived.... actually, it's a new toy but it's so much fun and hard not to anthropomorphize. It's a Roomba vacuum - and I love it! Here's a photo of it's maiden voyage around our kitchen:
It is just so cute and fun! And it makes little happy noises... you'll understand when you have one. On the plastic covering the main unit, there was a little blurb about feeling free to modify the software of the Roomba - that it doesn't void the warranty. I thought this was odd, so looked around a bit online. Apparently there are people who don't think Roombas should be limited to vacuuming and they "hack" their units. Interesting.

We didn't get to play with it until Saturday because not only did it have to charge, but we had a lovely dinner with friends. They asked us if we would serve as Godparents for their month-old son. What an honor! I've never been asked to be a Godparent before. I am so excited and hope I make a good Godmother. The baptism will be in a couple of weeks. There's a lot to do before then! I need to get candles, a cross, a white towel... and a few other things including a christening outfit of some sort that the parents like. I would love to sew one for him, but I doubt I'll have the time in only 2 weeks. Oh, and we need to make sure we can recite the Nicene Creed by heart by then...

On Saturday, we had soccer, then went to get our hair cut at our regular Salon. We've been going to the same place for our entire marriage, and the Deac has had his hair cut by the same person for the past 21+ years! The two women who own the salon are splitting up their business and so this was our last time going there. Then we had dinner with friends and played a couple rounds of Munchkin. Love that game.

Sunday after church, Emmelia played in a recital put on by all the Suzuki String studios in our town. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor concert and was just lovely to sit around and listen to violins, violas and cellos being played by all different age groups for a couple of hours. The concert/recital was held in the yard of an old house in the middle of town that is now owned by the city and rented out for events such as this. We toured the house a bit and it was lovely. Both girls said they'd like to live there. Hee! I took a few photos of the kids around the grounds that are in my Flickr account if you want to take a look. I was doubly proud of Emmelia at the recital because as she got up to play, she realized her shoulder rest had fallen off her violin! It was *somewhere* on the grounds, but we didn't know where (we later found it under a chair). She soldiered on and played anyway and did a great job (but that's why her posture is a tad unnatural-looking)! Here's some photos of her and the pre-twinkler group:
And here's one of both girls on a bench after the recital. Unfortunately the light was turning into hard afternoon light by that time, otherwise it could've been a great photo. This is the last recital Maura won't be in, I think - even next time she'll at least get up with the group and move her bow to the rhythm.
And, last but not least, here are some scrap layouts I made last week. I am trying to finish scrapping our 2005 Disney trip before we leave for our next one at the end of this month! I've been using a lot of items by Christine Beasley from her series of freebies called "Dream Trip." You can still download them from her blog (check the archives). Click on the layout title to see credits.

Disney 2005:
Disney Snacks:
Life looks like it might slow to a reasonable rate this week (yeay!). Not much is going on besides Emmelia testing for her yellow-striped belt in karate tonight. Hope everyone has a great week!


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