Friday, August 03, 2007

It's here!

And I love it! I can take real photos again! I haven't gotten to play with it a ton, but I took a few photos and you can look at them over in my Flickr badge if you want. How fun!

Please say a prayer for Fr. Nicholas, a friend of ours and local archpriest who suffered a massive heart attack on Wednesday. We visited last night and he seems to be doing better than the initial prognosis, but his condition is still critical.

We don't have much planned this weekend. The Bishop is visiting, so there will be many activities for that over the next week or so. I also would love to have a yard sale to help pay for our upcoming Disney trip and need to go through and organize stuff for that. It seems overwhelming, but would feel so good to get organized!

Hopefully I'll be able to play with the camera some with the girls this weekend, too. Have a good one!


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