Tuesday, July 03, 2007

T-Minus 6 days and counting!

Less than a week until my exam and I will be so glad when it is over! I will be able to have my life and brain back (well, my life, anyway)! I still have 3 lectures from my class to watch and then will be set to just review back through my notes and memorize formulas and equations. Did I mention how glad I will be when this exam is over? I hope I pass at least one of the two parts.

We had a very busy weekend. Too busy, I think. The girls were asleep pretty early Sunday evening. We had 2 liturgies, 2 dinners and a lunch with various friends, 2 birthday parties and helped at a yard sale to raise money for the daycare center. Too much for only 2 days! I did manage to catch this adorable video of Maura at one of the birthday parties on Saturday, though (we'll see if this works):

Sunday was the day of transition between priests at our parish. A good friend of ours brought his nice, expensive camera and photographed the liturgy and took group photos afterwards, which was very fun. I'm still working on processing all of them, but here's one he took of us with Maura's godparents.
And here's a couple of just Maura and her godparents. They are leaving to start a new mission in Denver (so at least they'll still be local and we can get together occasionally). It will be sad to not see them every Sunday, but then again, maybe it will be good, too - hee - we won't get sick of each other.
In other news, we had Emmelia evaluated for sensory processing dysfunction and she scored very low in 4 out of 14 sensory categories. We have noticed these deficits causing a high degree of anxiety and frustration at times. So we are pursuing some occupational therapy in the hopes of helping her learn self-regulation and coping strategies before she starts kindergarten.

July is going to be a busy month with my CHP exam, Arabic class, violin lessons, occupational therapy, Emmelia's class field trips, karate, swimming lessons and soccer camp. Wow. Somewhere in there I'll need to squeeze in work and digiscrapping. ;-)


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