Friday, June 15, 2007


Never in my 5+ years of nursing have I had an opportunity to be a radical lactivist. Part of me thinks I should before my kiddos wean, you know? Anyway, all that to say I'm debating whether or not to take part in a nurse-in at Elitch gardens in Denver tomorrow. Here's the news story about it.

We do have TWO birthday parties to go to tomorrow, so I'm not sure it will work out time-wise. But we'll see how we all feel tomorrow. Not to mention the fact that Maura is one of only 3 children out of about 30 in the toddler rooms at daycare to not yet develop the symptoms of Hand-Foot-Mouth disease that is going around. I may not want to hang out in the sun for hours tomorrow, particularly if she doesn't feel well. Maybe I'll just never earn my lactivist label...

Last weekend we hung out in the sun a lot. On Friday, I went with Emmelia's pre-K class on a field trip to a local pool. It was a lot of fun, but I got sunburned, as I do every year on that field trip. Seems to be how my body adjusts to summer - first, it has to burn. Then on Saturday we went to Arvada for Field Day for the kids from our parish. We all had a great time playing relay races, tag, and parachute in a park all afternoon. There are some fun photos from that in my flickr badge if you want to check it out.

This week I went with Em's class to the same place she had her 5th birthday party - the place with lots of bouncy castles for kids (& adults) to play in. I figured it would be good to see how my newly healed tendons held up and they did great! I also went swimming with them this morning. Other than that, I've been busting a hump studying, studying, studying for the CHP Exam. Three more weeks and it will be over. I have SOOOOOO much more to learn and memorize! So if I'm not around much before July 9th, you know I have my nose in a book or glued to the computer watching video lectures until then. I probably won't be able to justify any scrapping between now and then, either.

I have been learning a lot in my Arabic class, but will learn a lot more once I can devote more brain space to it. It's not really that complicated of a language. It actually makes a lot of sense, but has a complicated alphabet. So far, I'm finding the class is helping de-mystify the Arabic language for me, and that's good. I can learn all the Arabic I want from the folks at my parish, but having a basic understanding from the class will help immensely.

On that note, I have the second half of a lecture on Shielding and Activation to get to. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, whether or not you see me breastfeeding my 3-year-old on the news!


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