Friday, April 20, 2007

National Day of Mourning

National tragedies take on a different meaning when you have kids. I remember feeling that distinctly in 2001 when we were watching the attack on the World Trade Center. I was seven months pregnant at the time with my first child and I felt a little overwhelmed at the idea of bringing a baby into a world filled with violence, war and uncertainty.

Events like this week at VA Tech bring back that feeling to me. So I decided today to make this layout - it is a layout I wanted to do, but didn't want to do at the same time, if you know what I mean. I believe we should scrapbook bad events as well as good ones and I hope that someday my scraps will show my kids what sort of person they were raised by. Although it's a fairly simple page I wanted to recognize the VA Tech massacre in some way just to document how it made me feel.


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