Friday, May 11, 2007

Catch up

Wow - sorry to drop off the face of the planet like that. I've been busy with work and studying physics. I've been surprised at how I've actually enjoyed the health physics study. I'm feeling more confident about things, but still have a TON of studying to do!

I've also been doing a lot of physical therapy to aid my recovery from the tendon release surgery. It is going really well and I am encouraged. I have been having a lot of ankle pain because my ankle bones were never able to move correctly with each other. The tendons used to keep the joint too tight. So now that the tendons are as loose as they should be, my ankle bones are hitting each other instead of gliding around nicely. Anyway, PT has been helping immensely and I'm starting to learn how to walk again - normally! It's exciting.

I haven't felt at all like scrapping. Some of it is because I'm too busy to spend time on it, but some of it is also that I'm going through one of my periodic phases of being annoyed with how commercial and "fake" the digiscrap world has become. Oh well. Since I really need to study, it's okay with me that I don't particularly feel like scrapping. I can catch up AFTER the exam.... I did manage to finish up a layout I started last week sometime with the recent mega-freebie kit In Memory of Miles (credits HERE):
The girls started tumbling classes this week. Maura was afraid of it, but Emmelia loved every second. By the end of Emmelia's class (Maura's was first), Maura had warmed up to it, so I think next week will go better. You can see some not-so-great photos in my flickr badge.

This summer we will be doing (not all at the same time - we're taking the phased approach) tumbling, violin (Maura is starting now, too!), swimming and karate. In the fall, soccer for Emmelia, violin for both and of course Emmelia will start kindergarten. I'd actually love for her to do hockey in the K-5 league, but I doubt I can convince her that it is that fun. I might have to have their babysitter take them ice skating. She plays college hockey, so maybe her influence would help.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. We don't have much planned - haircuts, gardening, etc. but the weather is supposed to be gorgeous, so I can't wait.


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