Friday, June 01, 2007

The Graduate

Graduation went well - the ceremony was appropriately short but very cute. The center director said a few words, the kids marched in... they recited the pledge of allegiance with the audience. Then they said their poem. It was a modified version of what was on their diplomas:
This was SO cute. I was impressed the kids had really memorized the whole thing. Then each child was called up individually to receive a (fake - they got the real one later - just like a real graduation! lol) diploma and a "class ring." These were little golden plastic rings that say "ABC". These were PRIZE possessions, let me tell ya! As each child came forward, the center director asked them what they want to be when they grow up. Emmelia said "a ballerina (that was a popular one among the girls), a swimming teacher and a nurse." Now, I've been working hard on stressing to Emmelia that she can also be a doctor. A nurse is fine, too, as long as she knows there are many options. She really likes the character of Dixie McCall on our DVDs of the old "Emergency!" show and I worry that she's being influenced by this show from the 60s. I'm sure it will be fine by the time she's grown up, though. Here's my cutie saying that: The Deac and I gave Emmelia a matching graduation robe and cap for her new Hello Kitty doll from Build-a-Bear as a present, along with $5 and a card. It was hard to figure out how to put the little mortar board on Hello Kitty's giant head! But the Deac jury-rigged a solution with thread and velcro. He even had to add velcro to the hat itself so Hello Kitty's bow would stay on. He did an amazing job and Emmelia really liked it. I mean, how could she not? It was pretty cute - even the tassel color matched: And, here's my little graduate. It's so hard to believe she's going to be starting kindergarten in just about 2 and a half months!
Well, in other news the girls finished their tumbling class and I'm glad it's over. It wasn't that great of a class and Maura never did warm up to hers and participate. We also had karate this week and Emmelia is really loving that. I think it will be a good experience for her. I had a really productive week at work and also finished up the Parish Directory. It was a great project, but also a big one and I'm glad to be done. We hand them out this Sunday. That means next week I ought to be able to concentrate on studying physics!


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