Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's not easy being green.....

I decided to scrap today. I found an email in my inbox that I'd been saving about my friend Amy's new Salientia Exploration mini-kit (by the way, the geek in me loves that she uses scientific names for her kit designs), so I went and downloaded it. Inspiration struck when I remembered a photo I'd taken of Emmelia playing on a frog sculpture in one of the little playground areas on Pearl Street when we were there in March. Amy had also challenged me way back in February to scraplift this layout she'd liked and sent to me. So this is the result. I think it came out pretty fun and, what's more, I used EVERY thing in the kit. That's kind of unusual for me these days. I love feedback, so be sure to tell me what you think! Full credits are HERE.

Other than that, things are going well. I'm currently trying to figure out if I can take an Arabic class this summer. It's a non-credit class designed for staff, so it's not only cheap but also pretty laid back. The only fly in the ointment is that it happens at the same time I'd need to leave to take Emmelia to karate lessons. But I think the father of Emmelia's friend who's also doing karate might take them both there. I could still get to the dojo halfway through the class and see how she's progressing. And it's only for a couple of months... we'll see. Speaking of which, she and her sister are coming over tonight so I should probably plan to leave on time tonight so I'll be home when their parents need to drop them off.


Blogger ymA said...

lol@ the geek in you. I must be a big geek then =) Thanks for using the mini kit in such a great layout!

7:26 AM  

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