Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Better and Busy Week!

Well, we all seem to be recovering from our brush with pertussis. The antibiotics helped enough that I'm even more convinced it really was pertussis. Thank goodness we found out in time to treat it!

This week is incredibly busy. Such that I'm only working part-time and taking the rest off as vacation time. Emmelia is in soccer camp in the morning Monday through Thursday. She is doing an awesome job, even though it's in the 90's out there and these kids are basically running around in the sun for 2 straight hours (the coaches have been good about giving them lots of water breaks). So far, I've hung out and watched camp, but I really don't *need* to - maybe tomorrow I'll go run errands or something. But it's giving me a little time to just relax and catch up on my book club novel, too. Here's a photo of Emmelia dribbling the ball during a scrimmage on Monday morning:
Last night the girls started swimming lessons. Emmelia did great, but was disappointed to not get to play around in the pool afterwards. Since she has a field trip to the pool with her class every Friday, I'm hoping she'll be able to get over her disappointment. Maura didn't participate in her class, but at least she stayed in the water. I don't think she liked her teacher very much, but the director of the program tried to engage her a little last night and said she'd work with her tomorrow night, so I'm hopeful that by the end of the 4-week class Maura will be at least doing some activities with her class. It's all about feeling comfortable in the water at this age, anyway. Here's the girls at the end of their lessons last night. Emmelia's still disappointed at having to go home and eat dinner, so she wasn't that into smiling at the moment:
Other than that, we had Emmelia's occupational therapy appointment this morning, karate tomorrow, violin on Thursday, and are going camping this Friday! It's the first time we've actually been camping since we got married, despite having the desire to do so for all these years. I'm looking forward to it. It's only for one night, so I think it will be the perfect intro for the whole family and hopefully give us the confidence to try a longer trip next time.

My other big news is that I was accepted to be on a third digi-scrap Creative Team - for Chris Beasley (aka Seebee) at Digitals. I'm so excited! Being on a CT means that you get to use a designer's products in your layouts in exchange for doing a little marketing for them in the digiscrap world. This is the first CT I've been on that isn't for a designer I've known since their designing debut (although it is her first CT). I am really looking forward to being a part of this new group and working with her products! Chris makes some awesome freebies and gives them away on her blog - particularly her "Dream Trip" series for Walt Disney World layouts. I encourage you to at least check those out!

Speaking of which, we are definitely planning to take the girls back to Disney World this fall. We need to get to making actual plans, I suppose. I put it off until after the exam, but I did order a Disney vacation planning DVD we should watch pretty soon. The thought of arranging everything seems pretty overwhelming to me, but I'm excited to actually go there and know we'll have a blast.


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