Friday, December 22, 2006

We survived!

What a busy month it's been! I had to really buckle down and get an annual report done that is required by regulation to be done by the end of the year. But, I did it! Yeay, me! I have also been working on getting ready for Christmas and for my tendon release surgery next week.

Then this week we were socked by a giant blizzard! It was nice to have 1.5+ days off work, but it's not like I could get that much done. We had fun shoveling and playing with the kids, though. I saw my Russian professor on the news - she was stuck at a park-n-ride near Boulder. How rotten!

I finished Emmelia's Santa Boo-Boo hat! She was excited to get one of her own to wear.

Our brother-in-law didn't make it in from the east coast for our nephew's college graduation today. That's sad, but at least he didn't get stuck in an airport somewhere!

Oh, I promised I'd post our Christmas card here once I mailed them out. Here it is:
We had a lot of fun with the photo shoot and I'm really happy about how it turned out.

One of my friends liked it so much she asked me to design a card for her. I designed 2 for her to choose from. She picked the first one, but both came out cute:

Well, have a Merry Christmas, everyone! Come (very) early Monday morning, we Orthodox will be greeting each other with "Christ is Born!" and resonding with "Glorify Him!"


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