Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No, really, I'm here...

Sorry, didn't mean to neglect the ol' blog there. I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately, which has impacts in every other part of my life! The doc even gave me some meds to help me sleep, which don't seem to help much. Oh well. She actually suggested that sleep can be disturbed by the hormonal activity of endometrial tissue. So next week I'm seeing my RE (reproductive endocrinologist) again to talk about another laparoscopy. Ugh - but it might take care of some of the abdominal pain, at least.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving with our family, my mother and our nephew. The bird was juicy and yummy and we had just enough leftovers. This year we made pies with Splenda baking mix - which is still half sugar, but better than plain sugar. The blueberry pie was acceptable, the pumpkin pie was too sweet, but the pecan pie ROCKED! One might argue that was too many pies for a household with a diabetic, but his blood sugar was reassuringly low following our meal.

My mother gave me my Christmas present early - all the supplies and instructions to knit Santa hats for the kids. How fun! I'm really enjoying working on the first one. I've been wanting to learn to knit hats anyway, and this is the perfect motivation. It's forcing me to learn about circular and double-pointed needles and practice reductions - none of these are necessary with the scarves I've been making.

We took photos for our Christmas cards this weekend and I've got the cards designed and ordered. I'm excited about them! I won't share it here because I don't want to ruin the surpise for those of you who will be receiving our cards in the mail. Maybe I'll post it after I mail them out. But, trust me - CUTE!

It's very snowy here today, which is getting me in the mood for Christmas. In fact, I need to stop on the way home for groceries and to pick up some Angelina Ballerina dolls for the girls for St. Nicholas day next week. This year was the first year Emmelia made a Christmas list. The Angelina dolls (she wants Angelina and Alice - Maura will be getting Alice) were the only decipherable item. I'm sure she'll still enjoy that new bicycle Santa is going to bring her (shh!), though, even if it isn't officially on her list.

Okay, I've been a little out of the scrapping mood what with the not sleeping. But today I put the finishing touches on a layout I've been working on for a while to remember Emmelia's stint doing Tae Kwon Do:
In other news, my friend Z. had her first baby this month after a horrific labor and birth experience. But, thank God, everyone is alive and healthy at the end of things and little C.E. is breastfeeding nicely and generally being cute and cuddly. I took the girls over to visit the day after Thanksgiving. I'm so happy for her to finally have a healthy child after 5 miscarriages!

Well, now I'm off to battle the snow-packed and icy roads. I'm hoping this evening's commute is better than this morning - it took me one hour and 45 minutes to drive the approximately 20 miles from home to work.


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