Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy big 5!

My miracle baby is five years old today. It makes my head spin, really, how fast the time has flown. She suddenly seems very grown up to me (recent tantrums notwithstanding). This morning she opened gifts and had her picture on a local news channel (we missed it, unfortunately). Today she'll have cupcakes with her school mates and tomorrow - the big party with 20-30 (!) of her closest friends and coffee hour on Sunday.... lots of celebrations for this milestone event.

My little big girl - may God grant you many, many years!

On Sunday Em and I are going to the Natalie MacMaster concert! I am looking forward to that, too.

Random thought from my drive to work this morning: I was behind a car with a bumper sticker that said "Annoy a Conservative: Live Like Jesus" and I thought... would Jesus put that bumper sticker on His car?


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