Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mom-Daughter Fiddling date

I'm so excited! I just reserved tickets for Emmelia and I to go see Natalie MacMaster in concert at CU in a couple of weeks! I love folk and celtic music anyway, and fiddling in general. And it will be such an encouragement for Emmelia to see a female musician playing the violin well. It will give her an idea of what she can accomplish if she keeps practicing. So I can't wait to go! The only downside is that the concert starts at 7:30 pm. We'll have to make sure Emmelia gets a good nap that day. I bought tickets near the back of the auditorium, just in case we have to get up and leave early. Adding to the stress, it's the day after her birthday party. AND we have Buffs football tickets the day of Em's birthday party, too. If the game ends up being in the evening we're going to try to go. It could be a very busy weekend!!

We had our first snowstorm of the season here this week. The girls were very excited to get to put on all their winter gear (aren't they cuties? They posed this way all on their own - I love that they love each other so much). Today Emmelia's class is going on a field trip to a pumpkin patch where they will get to ride a tractor and a train as well as pick out their very own pumpkin! She was very, very excited this morning. Of course this doesn't obviate the need for us to make a family trip to the pumpkin patch - Maura very much wants to go, too. Maybe this weekend, if it isn't completely taken up by soccer games and the Bishop's visit.


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