Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Long time no see (redux)

There's been a lot happening that is blog-worthy. But I'm just don't get around to blogging that much. Since my last post Lynette Hoppe lost her battle with metastatic breast cancer. She was an amazing woman - an incredible example to many people around the world. Also last week my cousin lost her baby at 33.5 weeks gestation. What a horrible tragedy. We know baby Aubrey is safe in the arms of God and never had to suffer in this world. But it's still a tough pill to swallow for those left behind. I was starting to get a little freaked out because these things generally happen in threes, but then Steve Irwin died and that was sad, too. So maybe that will be it for a while.

Emmelia enjoyed Tae Kwon-Do, but has decided she's done with it for a while, which is convenient because soccer starts this week. The girls are sleeping apart in their OWN ROOM and doing a great job of it, although it still feels weird to me. We've been co-sleeping for nearly 5 years now. I turn the baby monitor up to the point I can hear them breathing and it seems almost like they are there next to me. I think the hardest part of parenting is letting your kids grow away from you, but not too fast.

We had a good Labor Day weekend - spending time with friends and decorating our house a bit. New curtains for the girl's room were in order so that the light would not wake them up so early in the morning. On Monday we took the canoe and kayak out with some friends and had a great time. The girls really, really enjoyed being in the boats, which made us happy. We'd like to go out more, but soon will need to get a tandem kayak to make it possible - I found it difficult to paddle over a 4-year-old's head in the single.

I was asked to join a Creative Team - a group of people that make layouts with kits by certain designers and post around to different on-line galleries to help the designer draw in customers. So far it's been a fun challenge, although I haven't had as much time to scrap the past couple week as I would like. Here's my last few layouts, most of which I made for the Doodleboogs CT.


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