Friday, August 04, 2006


Do you like my creative post titles this week? :-)

Boy, I JUST have NOT been in a scrapping mood this week. It's odd. I am tired and finding it difficult to stay focused due to the tiredness, but have still been accomplishing a lot at work, so that's good.

The mother of one of Emmelia's classmates is making a quilt for their teacher this year. She sent home blocks of white fabric with a clear 4x6" pocket sewn on. We are to decorate the square and put in a photo. Actually, we were supposed to do this a while ago - I just found the envelope again last weekend. She sent 2 blocks so that she'll hopefully get enough returned to make a quilt for the daycare director, too. I think it's a fun idea, I just wish I had remembered to look at it when I was in a more "scrappy" mood. But here's what I came up with:

For her teacher (that's her with Em in the photo): And for the Director:
I think they will like them. Most everything is from my friend Christine Nash's new "A Bit of Funky Fun" kit. Except the frame and tag (which I re-colored) in the first one - those were freebies from ScrapGirls. The first one actually started out following a sketch from my friend Ginger's blog, but it actually turned out to not follow the sketch very closely at all - that freedom to be creative is part of the fun of scrapping!

Tomorrow we have a busy, busy day planned. The girls and I are meeting some e-friends from my due date board at a new local park. Then we'll probably grab a quick lunch together before I deposit Maura at home with the Deac and take Emmelia to a birthday party for one of her classmates at the local BOWLING ALLEY! Then we'll head down to church for a memorial service for the Deac's mom (Anne reposed 10 years ago today - may her memory be eternal!) before Vespers. Then after a short playground stop (assuming it's not raining like the dickens), we're planning to eat out at a new Italian restaurant we found (& which quickly became our favorite) with our good friend Michael. Whew! It should go by in a whirlwind, but I'm looking forward to every part of our plan. If we can get some good sleep tonight, it should go even better. I need to remember to give Maura some Motrin for those molars before bedtime.

Speaking of teeth, I had a dental hygiene appointment today that went really well - the hygienist was ecstatic about my flossing and the good shape my teeth and gums are in now! That was cool. The bad news is that I need a crown on one of my molars. That will cost as much as it cost us to have the new water heater installed this week - and the Deac and I are seriously wondering what God is up to... why all these high expenses at a time when finances are low and unreliable? Sigh. I suppose this is life as an adult. And at least I have insurance, even though it only covers 50% of the darn thing. But - it could be worse! Let's hope it gets better! Especially in time for the CT scan on Monday.


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