Monday, July 31, 2006


Look what my Mom did with some of the photos I sent her! This is a sub-category of digiscrapping called "ATC" - "Altered Trading Cards." Of course, like digiscrap, ATCs were first done with paper baseball cards or playing cards. Very cool! She's very talented, my Mom. If I inherited just 1/10th of her artistic ability, I'll be happy (and I'm not just saying that because she reads my blog).

Today we are getting our water heater replaced. What is it when one person is out of work - everything keeps breaking!! But oh well. Hot water is a necessity in a home with children. I'm very grateful the Deac qualified for short-term disability. It by no means covers everything, but we're not sinking yet. Speaking of the Deac, he's not feeling much better. He has another CT scan next week to tell us if the current treatment is doing anything.

Well, as I expected, the girls LOVE their water clogs. They call them "crogs." It's cute. And I'm still in the Zone. Doing well, even though I pretty much took the weekend off. It's much easier to diet at work where my food storage is limited. The real challenge is going to be the Dormition fast that starts tomorrow. Will I be able to stay in the Zone with severely limited protein choices? We'll see, I guess.

In other news, Maura is getting 2 molars - no wonder we're not sleeping well at night! Poor bean.

Oh, and this is amazing, particularly if you remember all the angst we had about planning Emmelia's fourth birthday - she's already got her fifth birthday planned out. Complete with location (indoor "bounce" facility here in our hometown - thanks to field trips and another birthday party, completely scoped out), cake decor & flavor, and date. Excellent! I think I may just go ahead and book it - why not? Why save all the stress for October? Maybe I'll even design the invitations now. Hee.


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