Monday, July 17, 2006

Yeay! It's "just" pneumonia!

Good news on the biopsy front - no sign of malignancy! I was really worried about that possibility. The lab was also able to culture out a bacteria and test different antibiotics against it so that now the Deac has started on a course of what should be the correct medicine to finally treat this infection. Hopefully the follow-up CT scan in a few weeks will show marked improvement.

Speaking of improvement, here's some things I've done to help life go on a little better lately:
  • I started on the Zone diet again. It is the best diet I've tried over the years. It gives me energy and helps me lose weight. I'm excited to try it again.
  • I have been taking a big cup of ice water with me to work each morning. I usually don't drink enough water throughout the day and especially at work, so now I drink at least 64 ounces during my work day. This has already helped me feel better!
  • I've been consistent about flossing my teeth every morning. This is a big step for me.
  • I've been remembering to use moisturizer on my face every morning.
  • Last night we prayed the Akathist with the girls before bed! This prevented me from falling asleep trying to put them down and missing the opportunity. It worked well.
  • After the Akathist, Emmelia practiced her violin. We've been bad about finding a time during our busy evenings for this to happen, but it worked well right then and I think this will become a habit.
Things I hope to implement this week:
  • A family walk around the block each evening, provided the mosquitos aren't too bad.
  • Be more consistent about encouraging the girls to brush their teeth TWICE a day, not just in the evenings. One of these days we'll throw floss into the mix here, too.


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