Wednesday, June 28, 2006

We know a small bit more, but not much

So the bummer is that the mass is still there. It didn't change much since the last CT scan, but now we at least have a plan for some follow-up diagnostics to figure out what we are dealing with here. Prayers and positive thoughts are still very much appreciated.

On the way home from the hospital yesterday, the Deac and I decided to stop and get frozen Cokes at Burger King. With that and a couple snack items, the bill came to $6.26. I gave the girl at the window 2 $5 bills. She gave me back 76 cents. When I mentioned it to her, she got the managers keys to open the register and give me the rest of my change. After much flusterment, she gave me 2 $1 bills. Sigh. Sometimes I really wonder what they are teaching in schools these days (I got my other dollar, by the way - just had to keep at it for a while to get the correct change).

And on a completely separate note, when the girls and I visited Emmelia's godmother & her kids in February, we snapped a photo of the two St. Raphael miracle girls holding an icon of St. Raphael of Brooklyn. I haven't been sure how to scrap it, but I decided to go with a simple layout featuring the troparian of St. Raphael as the journalling. I kind of like how it turned out (the text is a bit blurry because of the low resolution - sorry). In keeping with my new idea of re-using old kits, I re-used a kit my friend Christine made a while back, called "From Scratch." I used it once before on the layout for Maura's first day in the toddler room (guess that was a year ago, before I was posting them on the blog, so I can't link to it).

Tonight swimming lessons and tomorrow I'm going along as an adult helper as Em's pre-K class visits the Denver Museum of Science and Nature. I'm sure it will be a fun, if exhausting, day. Too bad I won't be able to sneak off and see the BodyWorlds exhibit... I'll have to look for an opportunity to see that another time when the kids are otherwise occupied.


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