Monday, June 26, 2006

Exams, birth and television

Today I had been scheduled to spend 12 hours taking a certification exam full of physics and regulatory questions to become a Certified Health Physicist. If I didn't take it, I was going to lose the hundreds of dollars I had to pay to apply and sit for the exam. But about a month ago, the Deac convinced me to call the office that administers the exam and tell them about my father's death and the Deac's illness... even though I rarely ask for special favors, I did call them and they gave me a one year extension! Whew! There is no way I'd be able to take the exam and do well today, especially with the stress of the Deac's follow-up CT scan tomorrow hanging over our heads.

This weekend I got to be a part of the birth of the first child of our friends Dcn. A. and M. M. did such a GREAT job laboring completely naturally and even began pushing before the doctor realized the baby was in a frank breech presentation. Apparently this isn't a horrible form of breech to be in terms of vaginal birth, but most doctors don't know how to deliver it and it can be a bit tricky. M. ended up being whisked out of the room and put under general anesthesia in the OR before you can say "caesarian section." But mom and baby are fine and little Leeza is already a breastfeeding champ. I feel really honored to have been a part of it, even if it didn't end *exactly* like everyone was hoping (except the healthy baby part - we got that most important hope granted).

At the end of our weekend, our television died. We turned it off last night and this morning it simply didn't turn on again. It's lasted 13 years - it was one of our first major purchases together as a couple. I remember we had to set up a credit payment plan to pay for the dang thing, and it's not like it's a plasma television or something. So now we seem to have conflicting emotions. Television is a daily part of our life. But neither of us is rushing out to buy a new one, either. Could it be time to join the Kill Your Television craze? But is life really better without TiVo'd episodes of Monk and Little Einsteins? We'll see. Of course it hits right when money is tight - story of our life. So - {hee} - maybe another tv payment plan is in our future.

Yeah, so tomorrow hopefully we'll know more about what is going on with the Deac. We're both wrecks from worrying. But God has a plan, for sure.


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