Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sooo... tired

I'm so tired these days. I've been having a lot of insomnia, probably due to stress, especially with the Deac sick. I'll be so glad when we know more about what is going on. Only one more week until the next CT scan and hopefully we'll know what we are dealing with and some of this stress will lighten up. But anway, the tiredness is getting to me. It makes it kind of hard to function at a time when I need to be strong because I don't have a lot of back-up.

Last night, instead of lying in bed unable to sleep, I had a better reason to be awake. We didn't get to bed until midnight because Emmelia's godparents stopped by on their way through town. It was *SO* good to see them and visit a bit, even if the kids were pretty owl-y by the time they left. They are getting ready to move even further away from us - it will be a 10 hour drive, so I don't know how often we are going to get to see them in the near future. Boo.

Tonight, Emmelia has a violin lesson, which will probably not go too well due to the fact that we haven't had a lot of time to practice lately and she was up until midnight last night. But after the lesson, I'm forseeing a nice early bedtime for everyone.

Tomorrow I'm going with Em's class to the planetarium and can't wait - I think it'll be loads of fun.

I haven't even been motivated to scrap much the past couple of days - that's how tired I am! LOL. But I did find the *perfect* kit (Blush by Ginger T.) to scrap that photo I posted of Emmelia yesterday.


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