Monday, May 22, 2006


Today my big girl moved up a class at her daycare center - from preschool in to pre-kindergarten! She's been wondering since she turned 4 (in November) why she hasn't been able to go into the "4 year old class." But because her birthday is too late to go into kindergarten this fall, they've been holding her back to avoid too much confusion when the other kids do go off to kindergarten. But today she finally got to move up. She was pretty nervous about it last night, talking about how much she'll miss her preschool friends and teacher. You know, the rooms are right next to each other, with only a 3/4 wall to divide them. They'll all still play together outside. She'll be fine. Plus, she gets to go on field trips this summer! I think she'll have a blast. By the way, this kit was made by my very talented friend Holli Dunn, who doesn't sell her kits but *should*.

Also, swimming lessons have been arranged for the summer. They start next week - how can it be summer already? I feel like I completely missed spring this year. Anyway, I was excited that the local Y is offering a parent/child swim class for Maura's age at the same time as the parentless swim class for Emmelia's ability level. And it's on a weekday night so it doesn't interfere with SLEEPING IN on Saturday - bonus! And, turns out Emmelia's friend that she took ballet with will be in the same swim class. It'll be a fun summer for all of us.


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