Friday, May 05, 2006

Final Russian grade

When I came back from missing over a week of work and Russian class because of my Dad's death, I found it was the last week of classes already! And I not only had a make-up exam but a final exam in the same week! Unfortunately, when one is exhausted and processing grief, it's hard to care about the small stuff. So I got a "C" on my final exam. But, I still pulled out a "B+" in the class. I'm happy with that. Hey, if you can completely blow the end of the semester and still get a B+ in a class, that's pretty good. Plus, you know, it's not like I need the grade - I don't know why I get all anxious about it at all. At any rate, I'm glad the semester is over and looking forward to getting a couple of easy Russian readers to work through this summer.

Yesterday Emmelia was telling me about what she had been playing with her friends at daycare and I thought this was really funny (and it shows that she's usually the instigator of imaginative play, I think): They got together all their stuffed animals and teddy bears and they had "Bear Church". Then, she said they had "Bear Dying Church" - more prodding revealed this to be an imaginary funeral service. Then, they had "Bear Russian Class." I'm still laughing about it. I really wonder what her preschool teachers must think of us sometimes. ;-)


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