Monday, April 17, 2006

Beginning of Holy Week

(Photos: TOP - that's the Deac over on the left with his big blue Russian hat on; BOTTOM - Em and M show off the candles we made for them to carry in the Palm Sunday procession)

Yesterday was Palm Sunday according to the Orthodox calendar. It's a Very. Big. Deal. in Arabic culture and so the church was PACKED with people! It's the day when the kids get to show off their new attire, since the Pascha service next week will be at midnight (last year I just took my kids to the Paschal liturgy in their jammies).

So it makes sense that when we were in line at Home Depot after church the checker mentioned how dressed up Emmelia was. She spouted right out: "That's because it's Palm Sunday!" Hmmm... that guy looked confused. Then he said "I think that was last week, wasn't it?" Ha. Luckily the Deac re-appeared to hear that and begin the explanation of why our calendar is different because I can never do it in a way that makes sense.

So Holy Week is this week and the girls and I will NOT be going to many of the services. It's hard enough to get them to behave appropriately through a normal service, let alone the longer and more penitential ones of Holy Week. I'll go to one on Great and Holy Friday while they are in daycare, but other than that we will only be going to the Holy Saturday liturgy next week before Pascha. The Deac will have to pray enough for all of us, I guess. I'm kind of looking forward to the day when I get to go through all the services of Eastern rite Holy Week, because I still never have. On the other hand, I should probably appreciate the break afforded to me during this season of my life. I do appreciate the fact that I can buy easter candy and goodies for half-price this year. ;-)


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