Thursday, April 06, 2006

Life and Death

Maura's godfather is losing his mother. She's dying from lung cancer and it looks like the end is very near. If you have a prayer list and could add Margarita to it, I'm sure it would be appreciated. I feel really sad about it today since we got an e-mail saying she doesn't have much longer. But at the same time, I am so impressed with how she has handled her impending death. When she was diagnosed with terminal cancer her response was not to fruitlessly fight the disease to add seconds to her life - she accepted it as God's will and asked for prayers that she would have a Christian ending to her life - painless and blameless. I wish I could feel so confident that when my time comes I will be ready to meet God.

And, in a circle-of-life sort of way, we found out today that my cousin had a baby yesterday. It is her second baby, the second grandchild of my aunt and uncle. They had 3 daughters and this baby is the first boy in their immediate family for two generations. The girls and I are actually going to a brunch in honor of the mom and baby this weekend (the baby came a little early), so we'll get to meet him. Don't get me started on how I really feel babies and moms should be allowed rest and quiet for the first days at home..... Anyway, I made this card to give my cousin on Saturday and welcome baby Luke to the family and world. It's made using a quickpage freebie made by Ronnie McCray.


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