Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Spring of Illness

I'll tell you, it's been the springtime of illness around here. This week, just 3 days after finishing a round of antibiotics for her UTI, Emmelia woke up with ear and throat pain... apparently she has a strep ear infection so another round of antibiotics has begun for the poor kid. Hopefully warmer weather will bring healthier immune systems around here.

Today is my pysanky presentation in my Russian class. I'm really pretty excited about it. I've brought in some of the best pysanky I've made over the past 9 years since Maura's godmother taught me how to do it. I've not made many for the past four years or so since young children and hot wax don't generally mix. But I'm hoping this year I might find some time to get back into it.

This weekend we made "enchilada-inspired polenta pie" in the crockpot. It was quite good, but our favorite is still the 3-bean chili (which we made again yesterday). Soon my new toy should be here - a new slow cooker that is larger and comes with the necessary accesories to make every slow cooker recipe I've ever seen. Plus it has a travel case so I can make things for pot-lucks and get them there and back safely. Unlike the time I tried to take bean soup for a potluck after a presanctified liturgy last Lent - oooh, that was bad. Bean soup all over the back of my car. Actually, it's a little sad how excited I am for this new kitchen appliance.


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