Friday, February 10, 2006

Back safely and big decisions

A week ago today, the girls and I loaded up the car and drove 5 and a half hours to visit Emmelia's godmother and her children in Nebraska. It was a wonderful weekend! We got to visit, play, get addicted to "Monk," listen to Romanian music, be fed wonderful Iron Chef quality food (including a delicious mocha chip birthday cake!) and basically just be with friends as close as family for a few days. Can't wait to go again - I just wish someone would get around to inventing a teleporter already! Geesh - can it be THAT hard? Emmelia's godsister is 5 weeks older than her and is in her own way a miracle baby as a result of the prayers of St. Raphael of Brooklyn. After the liturgy on Sunday, the girls posed for a photo with St. Raphael's icon and we were grateful for another opportunity to venerate his relics.

{{Post interrupted for funny story about Maura at church: when we first went into the church for the Orthros service, Maura was in the sling looking around. Presently, she exclaimed "Mama milk!" For her this phrase serves dual purpose - she uses it to ask to nurse but also says it whenever she sees a NIPPLE of any sort. Here's what she was looking at. I'll never see the icon the same way again.}}

Before we left on Friday, I had a follow-up with my gynecologist to get the results of my ultrasound meant to determine the source of my abdominal pain. The radiologist thought he saw evidence of a condition called Adenomyosis in which endometrial tissue grows into the uterine muscle causing irregular cycles and pain. Unfortunately, the only treatment is a hysterectomy. Because I have always wanted a third child and frankly, was hoping for more than a mere FIVE years total fertility in my life, this comes as a bit of a shock. I'm so incredibly grateful for the two miracles I have, but it's still hard to face a final decision at age 35. My basic choice seems to be continue having nearly unbearable pain twice a month or be unable to have anymore children.

I have an appointment to talk with my reproductive endocrinologist about it in a couple weeks. He's the doctor I trust the most in the world and I'm sure he'll take his own look at the ultrasound findings and maybe run a few more tests. Who knows - maybe he'll decide it isn't even adenomyosis after all. Anyway, I figure there's no need to invest much angst or psychic energy in this just yet until I know more. I'll keep you posted.


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