Thursday, February 09, 2006

I've been Tagged!

Yeah, thanks Cynthia.... ;-)

What were you doing 10 years ago? Let's see - in 1996 I had been married 3 years and had just become Orthodox at the end of the previous year. We were living in a one-bedroom apartment in Boulder but were about to move to a house in another nearby city - renting from a friend for a really good rate. I had the same job I have now, but at a lower level. I was more of a technician and my job required a little more physical activity (sometimes I miss that). Ten years ago I was having another episode of unexplainable abdominal pain. It lasted for 9 months before my RE did a laparoscopy in June of 96 and found my appendix had ruptured and formed scar tissue.

What were you doing 1 year ago? One year ago, not much was different in my life. I had a new digital camera and "discovered" digital scrapbooking. My first layouts were valentines for the kids last year.

Five snacks you enjoy: Chocolate, salty meats (salami, etc.) and cheese, fresh veggies with dip, cookies, and mocha lattes.

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics: Do kid's songs count? Let's see - I can sing along pretty well with Paul Simon's Graceland album, most things by They Might Be Giants, and some Orthodox liturgical music CDs.

Five bad habits: Not keeping the house spic-and-span, spending too much time on the web or digiscrapping when I should be working, snacking when I'm hungry instead of having a big glass of water, being too lazy to exercise, letting the kids eat in the car.

Five things you like doing: Playing with and nursing my kids, digiscrapping, baking, open-water kayaking, learning new things.

Five things you would never wear, buy or get again: Um, yeah, everyone else is saying thongs and I agree on that one! Let's see... I think I can finish this one with kids supplies I THOUGHT I needed but didn't: a crib, a baby bjorn, a BreastBottle Nurser (it's a cool idea, my kids just didn't like it - and the daycare people felt weird holding a bottle shaped like a boob), Kelty baby backpack (that thing HURTS!).

Five favorite toys: Digital camera, palm pilot, graphics tablet, kayak, Russian dictionary

Four people I'm tagging:
(sorry, I don't have a lot of blogger friends yet so had to choose four rather than five)

Gracie & Joe


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