Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

We don't get too into Valentine's Day around here, but this morning the girls gave away their valentines (above) - designed with a "princess" theme in mind (as requested by Em) and baggies of sugar cookies (pink hearts and purple stars - as requested by Em) to teachers at school. For some reason, neither girls' class is giving valentines to classmates this year. Oh well. They each got a new book from me & the Deac. The grandparents sent some cute stuffed animals and candy. For some reason I cannot fathom, both of my children apparently LIKE those conversation hearts. It kind of gives me the chills (and not in a good way). As the girls and I were leaving the house this morning, the Deac asked me if I preferred flowers or chocolate. I replied that I really don't need either of those things - it's not a big deal. But as we were walking out the door, Emmelia caught my eye and said "I like flowers AND chocolate!" She's really going to be an easily pleased but expensive wife someday.

Maura had a follow-up with the allergy/asthma doc yesterday and was placed on a nebulizer to reduce the lung scarring shown on yesterday's chest x-ray. Turns out that getting RSV within a month of having pneumonia is not so good for little lungs. Poor bean. So we'll be adding those treatments to our daily schedule for the next two months and hoping to get through the rest of respiratory virus season with no more damage done. I guess this is one more thing for your prayer list, if you've got one.

Between traveling and umpteen million doctor appointments, I feel so behind at work. And I really AM hopelessly behind in Russian. Sigh. Oh well. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm taking that class for fun. But, speaking of work I should get to it. Just wanted to post briefly and wish you all a happy day!


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