Friday, March 24, 2006

Excited for the recital!

Holy cow, Emmelia did SO well at her violin lesson last night! She is learning to bow her rhythym on one string and (separately) beginning to learn how to hold the violin with her left hand and place her fingers. She has the rhythym down! And believe me, there were times I was really doubting we would get there - especially after only 4 months of lessons. I'm feeling much better about the recital tomorrow. She is really excited, too. In a couple hours I'm leaving to pick her up for the rehearsal so she'll know just what to expect. I will be up on stage with her, so I'm sure she'll feel fine about being up there. The teacher said I could play some of the advanced pieces along with the other students on my violin, too. Maybe I will. I want to keep it as simple as possible in case either of my children has a major meltdown.

Yesterday we got news that the promotions in our job classes we've all been waiting for (for over 5 years!!) in my office got approved. Yeay! It doesn't involve that much for me. I already got my raise a while ago in anticipation so now the only real change is that I am no longer eligible for overtime - now I can work more than 40 hours a week and they don't have to compensate me monetarily for it. Lucky me! :-)

Other than that, part of this bug we've been fighting seems to involve major eye irriation. Can't wait for that to heal up. In the meantime I'm having to wear my glasses because my eyes feel like there is sand in them or something (it's not pink eye, but similar symptoms). Oh well. The weather is finally supposed to be nice and spring-like this weekend. Personally, I'm looking forward to digging out the bike trailer and taking the kids on a Sunday afternoon ride. Besides that, liturgy tomorrow morning (Happy Feast of the Annunciation!), and possibly looking for a replacement dishwasher for ours that's on it's last legs, that's my plan for the weekend. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!


Blogger Meesh said...

I really really want to do violin with my kids! I hope I can find a Susuki (is that what your doing?) teacher once we move!

9:36 AM  

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