Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I can't believe this!

Okay, I can, I guess, but... I try to be accepting of the cultural differences of others so it bothers me when other people are so clueless, especially here in the People's Republic of Boulder.

The CU Russian Club is planning a huge EVENT/PARTY this Friday afternoon - to celebrate the Russian holiday of Maslenitsa. Now I could probably get over the fact that they, for some reason, did not schedule this big party before Lent when it would've been more culturally relevant.

But to schedule it on Great & Holy Friday - one of the strictest fast days and holiest days of the Orthodox Christian calendar? It's like thumbing their noses at the Russian culture they pretend to be interested in celebrating.


You can probably conclude that I will not be there. No, I will be in church during the EVENT for the Burial Service of Christ while they are having their "lots of food, a blini eating contest, effigy doll building, tug-of-war, divination rituals, fortune telling, singing, and many other Maslenitsa-related games and events. "

It just really, really bothers me on several different levels.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were forced to schedule the festival on this day in order to lessen the chance of bad weather. No ill intentions were meant.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, anonymous, you still should have checked the calendar, and checked with some of the Russian students (as in, those who came from Russia or family background which is culturally Orthodox Christian).

I do hope you'll take this lesson to heart for next year and be more observant of the calendar, not just Western, but also Eastern Orthodox. This really should have been part of your collegiate education which is devoted to studying the Russian language and culture, of which Orthodox Christianity is a big part.

10:42 AM  

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