Thursday, April 20, 2006

Prayers for my Dad

My parents with the girls at our cabin near Lake City, Colorado last summer.

I got a call that my father was admitted to the hospital this morning. He was diagnosed with liver failure about a year ago and has been in deteriorating health since then. Given his recent health decline, today's turn of events is not completely unexpected. Crappy timing, but it never really is "good" timing when someone has to be hospitalized, is it? His prognosis hasn't been promising for a while now, especially since he never stopped drinking.

I want to go down there and be a support for my Mom, say goodbye (again - we've done this bit before) to Dad, be there for them. But my Mom, because she doesn't want to disrupt our lives too much or have too many things there for her to have to worry about, wants me to wait. So we wait. Truthfully, I would not be much help with the kids on hand and if the Deac can he should be here to serve Pascha (if not, we'll adjust, but at this point it doesn't seem like something we should just let drop). The hospital wouldn't let the kids in ICU anyway so there's not much I could do. We're hoping for more news later today that might impact what we decide to do with our weekend.

Thankfully I had a good chat with my father just yesterday. I feel at peace with him. I worry about him in a spiritual sense, but know all I can do is commend him to the mercy of God. And my mother, too, for that matter. Please keep them both in your prayers, too.


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