Friday, May 05, 2006

If April Showers bring May Flowers...

... what do May Flowers bring? Pilgrims! (I loved that joke as a kid)

I've spent the day at the doctor, then the opthalmology clinic, trying to track down why the vision in my left eye has suddenly taken a nose dive. It's completely blurry. Makes it hard to focus on computer screens, other cars while driving, etc. Fun. Anyway, they have no idea what is going on. It might be that the "killer" cold virus Emmelia contracted the week of the funeral - and that has confined the Deac to bed this week with sinusitis - might have somehow gotten into my eye and is causing an infection. The doc really didn't know. So I'm to: A) not wear my contacts for a while just to let my eyes rest; B) use "natural tears" drops and; C) see him again in 3 weeks to see if there is any change. Luckily there is no sign of nerve or retinal damage (or a brain tumor).

Since I couldn't do much this afternoon with dilated and so doubly-blurry eyes, I decided to scrap this photo I took of the girls playing outside in the rain on the last day of April. My friend Christine Nash had made a terrific kit last summer called "Sprinkler Fun" that was perfect for this layout. I used a layout I saw a while ago on 2Peas for inspiration.

Have a nice weekend! May we all feel well next week.


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