Friday, May 12, 2006

A new (out)look

Well, what do you think of my new look? At lunch today, a friend and I went and got our hair done. It's the first time I've ever dyed my hair and I actually like the lighter color very much. It was nice to spend a little time on "me" and get pampered. I told the Deac it can be my Mother's Day present. It's not like he's going to be able to go out and get anything anyhow since he's so sick.

Yesterday I had a nice chat with a good friend about my Dad's death and handling things. It was really nice to have someone to talk to about it and he had some good advice. One thing he recommended was to not let myself get so bogged down in grief that I get depressed. I mean, allow myself to remember and miss my Dad, but not to get into the whole spiral downward that you can get into about death - did we make the right decisions at the end, how might things have been different, etc. It's not productive. So my friend really recommended forcing myself, when I get that bogged down, deer-in-the-headlights of life feeling, to force myself to think of the happy times I had with Dad. I do think there is something to this idea.

So I'm nearly off for the weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful, as Emmelia calls it, Saint Mother's Day (::snigger!::). Monday will be our 13th wedding anniversary - let's hope the Deac is feeling better by then! Otherwise we'll celebrate by admitting him to the hospital.


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