Monday, June 12, 2006

Long time no see

It's not that I haven't thought of things I could blog lately, just that life is really overwhelming right now. And when I get stressed I tend to withdraw into myself. I haven't had too much extra energy to channel into anything extraneous lately.

I have found some time to scrap, though. I always seem to find that. Hey, it's cheaper than therapy! I'm even getting some ideas about a scrap album for the photos from our vacation last fall. I'd like to scrap those, but they've been too over-whelming. But a couple people in some of the galleries have been posting Walt Disney World layouts and it's getting me inspired.

Without going into great detail about topics in our life lately, I will just note that I've been doing a lot of Google searches on items such as:
  • Signs and symptoms of lymphoma
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Causes and symptoms of UTIs in preschoolers
  • Local field trip destinations
  • Canine ear infections
  • Treatment of seasonal allergies
  • Gardening vegetables
  • Aphids in ash trees
  • Giant papillary conjunctivitis
  • Lenscrafters locations (hoping they fix frames badly damaged by a kick from a 4-year-old)
  • I'm sure there's more I'm not thinking of right now


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