Friday, August 11, 2006

Another week has reached its end

It's been a good week, even though I've been in severe pain for most of it. My uterine pain seems to be recurring - I see the RE again at the end of this month and am not really looking forward to having to make a decision about a possible hysterectomy. But we shall see.

I managed to get a ton done at work and also have some time for scrapping. No housework got done, so I suppose there is balance. {{hee}} As you can see, I'm still trying to catch up on some of my old photos.

Tomorrow the daughter of some old friends is getting married in my hometown. The bride was actually one of the flower girls at our wedding. I am a little bummed we can't be there, but the long car journey is just impossible for the Deac right now, uncomfortable for me and the girls, and gas and hotels are not cheap. Plus we had no one to take care of the dog. So, we stay home. Turns out the bride and groom live in the Denver metro area, though, so we'll hopefully get together with them soon and buy them a nice dinner. And we'll have to plan a visit to Grammy when everyone is feeling better!

Since we're staying here tomorrow, we decided to go to Emmelia's "graduation" at the Tae Kwan Do place. She gets to show us what she's learned, break a piece of wood, get a free uniform, and sign up for a month of free lessons. The deac wants to just sign her up now, instead of waiting until soccer is over. I guess we can see how it goes. I'm going to try to get some good photos tomorrow because I'm obviously back in the scrapping mood!


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