Wednesday, August 09, 2006

An Expensive Summer

New water heater installed to replace broken one: $870
New crown on back molar due to enamel chipping and crack: $800
Co-pays for four CT scans to track the pneumonia: $400
Radiation dose the Deac received with each CT scan: 800 millirem

Feeling we had when the last CT showed the pneumonia is finally resolving: PRICELESS!

Made me feel up to scrapping again, actually. Here's a couple layouts of playground visits this summer. The one with just Maura was made with a freebie kit from 2peas and the green one was made using my friend Amy Huffman's (Doodleboogs) Wilbur kit.

We had a lovely weekend - the new playground/park was a ton of fun and Emmelia got a bowling score of 67 at the birthday party!

Yesterday we found out that Maura does have asthma, something I suspected but was hoping wouldn't be true. Luckily she is in a "lull" right now and doesn't need any treatment, but we have to watch her carefully once cold/flu season hits and get the nebulizer going as soon as she has any lung involvement. The doc is quite sure she'll outgrow this. After her appointment, the Deac, Maura and I had lunch at a different Pete's restaurant in Denver than the one we usually go to - Pete's Kitchen. I had a veggie pita sandwich and it was really yummy!

Later yesterday both girls went along with us to vote in the primary election. It was kind of boring since no one was running unopposed, but it gave me a chance to try out the new electronic voting machine. It was pretty easy - a lot like operating an iPod.

Emmelia's class has been doing a segment on physical fitness and has gone on a couple field trips to a local Tae Kwon Do place. She LOVES it! I told her that we'd think about signing her up after soccer ends. I don't want to over-schedule her. The nice thing is there seems a positive message sent and an emphasis on building self-confidence. And the first month of lessons are free, so if she doesn't like it we're not out much.


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