Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The more we get together, the happier we'll be

We had such a lovely evening with the girls last night. The TV was off (key to a good evening, I think) and the Deac and the girls started playing "Hide and Go Seek." I was kind of trying to pick up the house a bit since it didn't magically pick itself up while I was lying in bed sick this weekend (surprise!)... and somehow I got pulled into the game, too. We probably played for about an hour. It was great. But now the kids know all the good hiding places in the house.... the days when they think pulling the covers over their head in bed makes them invisible might be gone.

Tonight we are going to watch "The Little Mermaid" - yep, like good parents we rushed out and bought the DVD as soon as it was available today... Christmas be darned. I know technically this is still like watching television, but it's more of a planned event. Besides, we're going to need something to take our mind off the Deac's blood test results this evening. He has an appointment with the doctor this afternoon and prayers and positive thoughts are most appreciated!

I did get a chance to scrap some layouts using Amy's templates and Christine's "A Little Fall" kit and her amazing stitching to show off our leaf photos from Sunday. I like how they came out - it's amazing what you can do with good products.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Mermaid is good and an evening without TV is even better :)

5:37 PM  

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