Thursday, September 07, 2006

CAN you take it with you?

The other day the Deac was looking at something my mother had given him after my Dad died. Emmelia asked him if it was something that had belonged to Grandad. At the "yes" response, she got thoughtful for a moment and then said: "You know, when Grandad comes back to life [she means, is resurrected], he's gonna know his stuff is gone." Ha!

Here's a couple fun layouts I managed to throw together in not much time over the past couple of days. I really love the one of Maura with the water gun. The background on the "Speed" one is actually a bad photo I took - no photo manipulation was involved there. But it came out pretty cool. Although it's obvious Emmelia needs a new bike (& helmet!) - it's starting to look like she's riding a circus bike. Hmmm... might have to talk to Santa Claus about that.


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