Friday, September 15, 2006

Bug - 4; Us - 0

Boy, this time of year can be rough - the new school year begins and along with their laptops and iPods, the students bring new germs onto campus. This week we've all been down with some sort of bug. But the good news is things seem to be on the upswing in time for another weekend. Hopefully we'll feel good enough to enjoy this one more than the last one. Emmelia has her first soccer game tomorrow - I'm looking forward to seeing it. The 4 year olds play 5 on 5 and only have 8 minute quarters so at least it will be mercifully short. I am not sure what to expect because the kids still seem to have no idea what they are doing out there on the field. At practice this week the coach ran a drill where the kids just chased each other around the field trying to get the ball. I mean, they are still learning that the point is to try to get the ball - not stay in-bounds, get the ball to the goal, or have any sort of strategy. Actually, it'll be interesting to see how different their last game of the season is from tomorrow's game.

Well, anyway - you'll notice I decided not to blog about the 5th anniversary of Sept. 11th. On that day I found myself taking the girls for the first visit to the dentist. It was a "Happy Visit" wherein they got to ride in the dental chair and the dentist checked their teeth. It went well - neither has cavities but Emmelia needs a good cleaning. But I did find myself in sort of a surreal mood that whole day.

I've been scrapping away lately - I joined another Creative Team, but it was for my friend Christine Nash, whose stuff I use a lot anyway. So not much has changed. I have had some fun with her new page templates, though. Here's my latest layouts:



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