Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday - again?

It seems like there was something I was going to blog about today, but now I can't think of it. I really do wonder when I'll get the brain cells back I lost during childbirth. Maybe when full nights of sleep return. Although I have to say last night was lovely. The Deac and I went out to a dinner with the bishop for area clergy and wives. It was so nice to see everyone - we had a great time! I even managed a fairly low-carb dinner: steak, steamed broccoli and a glass of wine. No rolls or dessert. I would've liked a salad, but somehow the salad course never got served. Oh well. While we were gone, the girls had their very favorite sitter in the whole world staying with them. We got home around 10 pm and I expected both girls to still be awake and owl-y. Turns out Ashleigh got them to sleep! On her own! At around 8 pm!! Wow. And on top of that, Maura only woke one time to nurse last night. Normally she wakes many times a night. So I should feel more rested today....

Emmelia has her last soccer game tomorrow and we're hoping she'll actually play. Grammy is coming up for the weekend, so that might provide some impetus and encouragement. We'll see.

Anyway, I was excited to finally get some scrapping done after a week of being too swamped to do any. Here's one layout I actually made last week but hadn't posted yet (the Christmas one from last year) and then the two I did this week of our trip to the Pumpkin patch and Maura's new nickname. Most of these use kits and elements by my friend Christine Nash. The Christmas one was made with a template by Christine, but a kit by Microferk Designs. The pumpkin patch one was done with a template made by a fellow Colorado digi-scrapper, Melinda Staley. She shares my problem with taking a lot of photos and desire to showcase as many as possible on a LO. I really liked using it for the Pumpkin patch photos because it really helps give an idea of how the day went.


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