Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick or Treat (ToT)!

Trick or Treating (ToTing) went well last night, even if the kids were pretty tired after our quick trip out. They are still adjusting to the time change. We're developing a fun tradition of ToTing with Emmelia's friend R. and her friend K. from across the street. We had a fairy princess, a house (clever costume!), a witch, and two pumpkins. Maura really seemed to *get* it this year, even if she was continually 1-2 houses behind the big girls on the ToT circuit. My girls had of course ToTed at daycare and came home with HUGE bags of candy. It was a candy bonanza. Really, I feel sorry for their daycare teachers today with all these kids coming off last night's sugar high. I'm thinking of getting rid of our leftovers (and secretly some of their extra) at coffee hour at church on Sunday. The only problem with that plan is I'm sure I won't be the only one with that idea... oh well. Maybe it will reduce the stash a bit. Frankly, the Deac and I don't need the temptation.

Speaking of the Deac, the Nerve Conduction Study went well yesterday. From my perspective, it was really *cool* (I'm such a science geek); from his, it was uncomfortable. But they were able to rule out any neuropathy, diabetic or otherwise, so that was TERRIFIC news! The doc (who, by the way, was really good - we liked him a lot better than the old physiatrist) tracked the problem to extra signal (a sort of "short circuit") from the nerves coming out of the lumbar spine - you know, exactly how the Deac has described his symptoms from the beginning of this debacle. We seem to have dodged another bullet. I'm hoping the shooting lets up soon.


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