Monday, November 13, 2006

A fun weekend - just the 3 of us

We had a great weekend, even though the Deac was out of town. The girls and I had plenty to keep us busy but also some time to just relax and have fun. It was nice.

Yesterday I taught Church School - Emmelia's teacher is having some family issues and needed a little break so I offered to step in. My goodness, it was fun! I enjoyed the 4-6 year olds very much. I had brought copies of an icon from our icon coloring book of the Creation of Adam, just because it seems like a basic topic and I wasn't sure what they had been talking about. Well, the priest's sermon just happened to include a bit about the creation, so it worked in well. There was a jigsaw puzzle of creation in the classroom, so I gave each child two pieces and they took turns putting a piece in while we talked about what was on it - stars, moon, sky, sun, animals, plants, man, water, fish, etc. Then while they colored their icons I introduced them to a game Emmelia and I play a lot - who created X? She is always asking me... "who created trees?" "God"... "who created houses" "man, with the brains God gave us", etc. So we were playing this a bit and the kids seemed to get it. Then all of a sudden my precocious five year old pipes up: "I have a good one, you guys! Let's ask who created owies?" Ah, my child, that is so much more complicated than I was going to get into yesterday. ;-)

Emmelia did a great job at her violin recital yesterday. I was a bit worried because at rehearsal on Saturday she had refused to play. But yesterday went fine - partly because I had invited their VERY favorite babysitter in the ENTIRE world to be there with us and help me with Maura when I had to escort Emmelia to the stage (which worked *great*!). She wanted to show off what she could do for Miss Ashleigh. Here's some photos - she just keeps looking so grown up to me:


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