Monday, November 06, 2006

Milestone successfully celebrated!

Emmelia's party went really well this weekend - it was so much fun! I'm sore from all that bouncing, but it was worth it. We ended up with 28 kids there! It wasn't as much of a zoo as you might think - the place is prepared for that many and good at helping round them all up. Everyone seemed to have a good time.

Yesterday we also had a cake to celebrate at coffee hour at church. Stupidly, I signed us up to provide food for coffee hour as part of this. What was I thinking? First off, it's a lot of people to provide food for and not all that cheap. Secondly, it all falls to ME and me only because I don' t have a large extended family to help and the Deac is busy with the service. Plus, I still have to care for the kids while getting things ready. I tried to round up some help with bringing food yesterday, but the people who said they would bring salad and fruit forgot - sigh. It was a frustrating experience for me (and I have already said I'm never signing up for coffee hour again), but Emmelia seemed to enjoy the celebration part, so that is good and most important.

The Natalie MacMaster concert was a total blast! Emmelia got to dance along to the music (encouraged by the performer) by our seats and once or twice I caught her moving her arms like she was bowing along with Natalie on her fiddle. Natalie also did a bit of Irish clog dancing, and Emmelia thought that was really neat. It was a great educational experience for Emmelia... she had to be quiet in the auditorium and also learned just how long the line can be for the women's restroom at an event like that. We stayed through the first half and decided to leave during intermission. It was 9 pm and it had been a long weekend. And I *really* didn't want to carry her down the hill to the car in the dark.... so we left while we were both happy, which is probably the best time to leave.


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