Friday, August 19, 2005

Books I'm currently reading

Here's what sources are currently providing me food for thought for the 10-15 minutes a day I can manage to read after the kids fall asleep and before I get too tired to think straight. All three are interesting in their own way. The one by Anthony Bloom I have read before, but it's the sort of book that one does well to re-read every few years because of the changes in the landscape of our spiritual lives over time. That's annoying - I just tried to make the photos link to the Amazon reviews for these books, but I'm not technically gifted enough to figure it out today.


Blogger Unknown said...

Did you know that Alec Guiness, in one of his films (I don't recall which) pulled a book, seemingly at random, from a shelf on the set and distractedly announced, "Hmm. The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy by Alexander Schmemann..."

2:47 PM  
Blogger Shamassy said...

Ha! That's a great little Fact To Know And Tell. Thanks!

It's a really good book. Schmemann is so accessible anyway, but I'm finding the subject matter more fascinating than I might've thought.

It was recommended to me as a way of sorting out "Western" vs. "Eastern" ways of thinking about theology and Church history. We'll see if it helps in that regard. At any rate, it's an easier read than Vladimir Lossky. ;-)

9:01 AM  

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