Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

It's hard to sort out my thoughts with regard to the news stories and images coming out of the gulf coast region the past day or two. I'm not sure of what to say, but wanted to post *something* about it. I feel kind of overwhelmed and numbed by the devastation - a lot like I felt in the aftermath of 9/11 four years ago. It's a feeling of having to sit back and watch others struggle for their very lives while not being able to do anything to help.

I gave blood today. Chances are it will not be used to help those directly affected by the hurricane, but it will surely help *someone* and that is what matters. I wish I could reach through the television screen and help each person I see - especially the young mothers holding onto their babies and toddlers in the flooded streets of New Orleans. There but for the grace of God go I.

Here's a good list of charities coordinating efforts in the affected region if you are looking for somewhere to send a donation:

Really, I suppose the best thing we have to offer in times like this is our prayers - even though it's hard to find words. One nice thing about the Orthodox Church is that there are always prayers available for our use if we can't come up with our own. Our Bishop sent out this supplication to be added to the litanies in the churches of our Diocese during upcoming services. For now it is my frequent prayer as well:

Again we pray for the victims of storms, floods, and catastrphe; for the relief of those afflicted, weary, and homeless; for the healing of those injured and in infirmity; that they may be granted Thy great and rich mercy.

Let not stormy waters drown Thy people, O Lord, and let it not ravage the earth utterly. But as Thou art good, do Thou direct the rushing of the water, and, as Thou art mighty, do Thou command that it become a moderate course with healthful air, O Thou Who art rich in mercies and boundless compassions, with contrite and humble hearts we pray Thee: Hearken and have mercy.


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