Spring Break
Well the inspection seems to be going well so far. They are here for 2 more days and then we get a 3 day weekend for Spring Break! That will be nice. Maybe on my day off Friday our new DISHWASHER will be delivered and installed. How exciting! We decided to go with the mid-range Bosch. It is supposed to be very good and has some features that I think will make life much easier for us in the dish cleaning department. Bosch is also offering some good rebates right now, so bonus!
Emmelia did SO well at her recital. She was nervous ahead of time, but going to the rehearsal on Friday helped a bunch so she knew more what to expect and then I also went up on stage with her and helped her position her violin, etc. so she didn't have to go up alone. She played the rhythm (why can I never spell that word?) correctly and even at the correct tempo! Amazing kid. Sorry I don't have any still photos. The Deac had his hands full with Maura and the video camera. To answer Meesh's question - yes, we are following the Suzuki method. His approach to music education is that every child is as capable of learning to play an instrument as they are to learn their own mother tongue. So sometimes you will hear the Suzuki method referred to as the "mother tongue method". I would really encourage getting your kids involved!
This inspection has been particularly good in that it provided an impetus to get completely caught up at work! All that stuff (see previous posts on apathy - ironically, I'm too lazy to go find them and link to them from here - ha) I'd been procrastinating and putting off is done! I have a clean slate to begin working on some bigger projects come April and it feels so good!
Maura will be TWO years old in only five days. That is so hard to believe. This past two years has been a whirlwind. She sometimes acts VERY two already but sometimes she acts older - I think particularly because she has an older sister to copy. She has her own quirks too, though, such as an irrational fear of small moving creatures. Particularly when she is holding food. Hopefully she'll outgrow that one soon!
This is my week to go to the Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday, while the Deac takes care of the kiddos at home. I'm looking forward to it greatly! And on Thursday, he is going with Emmelia to her violin lesson (for the first time) so I can go out with some friends after work. It really is beginning to seem like Spring Break!