Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Was there a Fall in the Garden of Eden?

Okay, that title was too punnilicious to pass up. Yes, of course there was a "fall" in the Garden of Eden. What I've been curious about lately, though, is whether or not there was a season of fall/autumn in Paradise. It's been such a beautiful autumn here - the weather has been lovely and the trees changing color truly adorn the world around us and make me think it can only be by Design.

I find myself wondering often about how things must've been in the Garden of Eden - before our human sinfulness introduced death and decay into the world. It's a popular theory that all life that now exists in the world also existed in the Garden of Eden and was created by God in the beginning. But at the time of the Fall, some of those things - such as viruses - took on a more malevolent existence that contributed to disease and death. So was the changing of the seasons part of the original experience of Man, or something that happened after we lost Paradise?

Since the trees don't die by losing their leaves each year, I'm leaning towards the colorful leaves being something that God created in the beginning to adorn His creation. It's nice to realize that God cares so much about us that He took the time to create such a beautiful place, even knowing we would squander it. Part of the Christian experience involves trying to live in such a way that we re-capture Paradise in our hearts. When I see that glimpse of Paradise in the world around me, it lightens my heart and encourages me to trudge on along this road. No wonder autumn is my favorite season!


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